Scott Pilgrim is a graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O'Malley. The series is about 23-year-old Canadian Scott Pilgrim, a slacker hero, who is living in Toronto and plays bass guitar in the band "Sex Bob-omb." He falls in love with American delivery girl Ramona V. Flowers, but must defeat her seven evil exes in order to date her.
The name "Scott Pilgrim" originates from a song by the all-girl, Nova Scotia, '90s band Plumtree, who used a mix of the names Scott Ingram, a chartered accountant in Toronto for indie rock bands, and Philip Pilgrim, a Nova Scotian music producer.
The series was recently adaptated into a film starring Michael Cera in the title role.
O'Malley has won a variety of awards with Scott Pilgrim including the Doug Wright Award for Best Emerging Talent(2005), Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Cartoonist (Writer/Artist) in the Joe Shuster Awards (2006), the Harvey Award (2007) and the Eisner Award "Best Humor Publication" (2010).
This pack also includes Scott's other appearances in;
Comics Festival Free Comic Book Day 2005 Comics Festival Free Comic Book Day 2007 PENG Free Scott Pilgrim #1 FCBD 2006 Edition
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