2010-08-13 18:21:40 GMT


It's November 30, 1962. Native Brit George Falconer, an English professor at a Los Angeles area college, is finding it difficult to cope with life. Jim, his personal partner of sixteen years, died in a car accident eight months earlier when he was visiting with family. Jim's family were not going to tell George of the death or accident let alone allow him to attend the funeral. This day, George has decided to get his affairs in order before he will commit suicide that evening. As he routinely and fastidiously prepares for the suicide and post suicide, George reminisces about his life with Jim. But George spends this day with various people, who see a man sadder than usual and who affect his own thoughts about what he is going to do. Those people include Carlos, a Spanish immigrant/aspiring actor/gigolo recently arrived in Los Angeles; Charley, his best friend who he knew from England, she who is a drama queen of a woman who romantically desires her best friend despite his sexual orientation; and Kenny Potter, one of his students, who seems to be curious about his professor beyond English class.


Colin Firths belevade medelåldersbög mottar ett dödsbud – hans älskare är borta och familjen vill inte ha honom på begravningen. Det är 1960-tal och fjollor göre sig icke besvär. I sitt stora moderna hus, berövad kärleken, utstrålar han mer becksvart ensamhet och utstötthet än Malcom X på ett KKK-möte. I symbios med Julianne Moores försupna faghag och en fulländad fashionistaestetik, skapar Firths magnifika skådespel en riktig pärla till film.

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。