Sin City[2005]Eng.Norsub.DvDrip.NeRoZ
2010-05-10 09:45:28 GMT
Norsk norska norsk film norsk text inbränd norsk text dvdrip neroz avi action crime 2005 bruce willis thriller

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Directors:Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez

Awards:16 wins & 29 nominations

Rated R for sustained strong stylized violence, nudity and sexual content including dialogue.

Release Date: 1 July 2005 (Sweden)

Genre: Action,Crime,Thriller

Runtime: 1:59:09

Language: English

Subtitles: Hardcore Norsub [Inbränd Norsk Text]

Cover: No

Label: No

Quality Info:

Video: XVID 640x360 25.00fps 1143Kbps

Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 44100Hz stereo: 128Kbps [Audio 1]


Aspect Ratio:1.85 : 1

Screenshots: No

Comprimering: XviD

Ripped with Gordian Knot.

For [email protected] NeRoZ CC: [email protected]


"Sin City" is four stories inter-weaved telling tales of corruption in Basin City. The first story (The Customer is always right) is short, and is based on the depression of women that they need to pay a man to feel loved when they commit suicide. The next story is Part 1 of "That Yellow Bastard" about a cop who needs to save a young girl from being raped. The third story (The Hard Goodbye) features a man taking revenge on a heartless killer who murdered his one-night stand. The fourth story (The Big, Fat Kill) stars a man who must dispatch a cop's body, but it will be a tough ride to do it. Following that are two conclusions to Sin City, the ending of "That Yellow Bastard" which is set 8 years later, and a short story that ends Sin City.


Sin City er myldrer av kriminelle, tvilsomme politimenn, sexy kvinner, enten på jakt etter hevn eller forsoning, eller begge deler for den saks skyld. Filmen forteller en historie basert på tre av av Millers tegneserier, "Sin City", "That Yellow Bastard" og ikke minst "The Big Fat Kill". Rodriguez og Miller omskrev disse til film med en stor trofasthet mot det visuelle, stemningen og dialogen i bøkene.

Sin City presenterer Bruce Willis som Hartigan, en politimann med et mekanisk hjerte og en ekstra beskyttende arm rundt den vakre stripperen Nancy (Jessica Alba). Mickey Rourke spiller Marv, en utstøtt menneskehater på oppdrag for å hevne drapet på sin eneste kjærlighet, Goldie, mens Dwight (Clive Owen), den hemmelige elskeren til Shelley (Brittany Murphy), tilbringer nettene med å forsvare Gail (Rosario Dawson) og hennes "Old town girls" fra Jacke Boy (Benicio Del Toro), en snuskete purk med en sterk forkjælighet for vold.


Jessica Alba ... Nancy Callahan Devon Aoki ... Miho Alexis Bledel ... Becky Powers Boothe ... Senator Roark Cara D. Briggs ... Hearing Panel Person (as Cara Briggs) Jude Ciccolella ... Liebowitz Jeffrey J. Dashnaw ... Motorcycle Cop (as Jeff Dashnaw) Rosario Dawson ... Gail Jesse De Luna ... Corporal Rivera Benicio Del Toro ... Jackie Boy Jason Douglas ... Hitman Michael Clarke Duncan ... Manute Tommy Flanagan ... Brian Christina Frankenfield ... Judge Rick Gomez ... Klump Beatrice Ask ... The filthy white trash whore


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Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。