Love for All and Sharing is the first step to solving all the problems of humanity.
Websites I want to share.
Thank you very much
No credit for to EVERYONE for sharing
PLOT A romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a conservative college student while he's home on leave.
FROM NICHOLAS SPARKS, BEST SELLING AUTHOR OF Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember & The Notebook
Runtimeúúúúúúú[ 108 Minutes Videoúúúúúúúúú[ 1355 kbps Audioúúúúúúúúú[ 448kb/s AC3 Resolutionúúúú[ 640x272 Subsúúúúúúúúúú[ English
credit ARROW & to all the people who made it possible for me to share this with everyone
UPLOAD DEDICATED TO redchaos2354, Motley Crue, jdpennington, BADASS, W1ck3d1nt3ntz, ceo54, DaRkReAlM, ghostman, karakurachow, megaplay, Emery1337x, SaM, geordieboy1979, timamirrockdude, Noir, Shedevil, bone111, JorgeMontana, BlueLady, xxxUniversalAbsurdityxxx, mc68, TheFalcon007, pardeep333, X, DR67, DiNGiE, xclusive666, pro2kon, EMUworld & many, many more & to all the awesome people who are sharing (ALL THE UPLOADERS, THE RIPPERS, THE SCENE GROUPS, ETC, THE WHOLE P2P COMMUNITY)wish i could list everyoneThank you very much everyone & i mean EVERYONE!!!
help what we can with haiti or any other in need...the world is ONE big family