Title: SimCity Creator Genre: Simulation Platform: Nintendo Wii Region: PAL File Type: WBFS Scrubbed: Yes (Game Partition Only)
About this game: Be a powerful mayor -- create, enjoy and destroy your ultimate city. Start by zoning your city, constructing homes, businesses, factories, skyscrapers, freeways, railroads, and much more. SimCity Creator includes a completely new user interface, designed specifically for the Wii and the Wii remote. You'll discover many ways to customize your city, including 13 city styles to explore, such as American, European and Asian themes.
NOTE: To play this game you need a chipped or soft modded Wii.
To install & play off disc:
- Download Wii Backup Manager -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=188295
- Use Wii Backup Manager to convert .wbfs file to an .iso file
- Burn .iso to DVD-R (lowest speed)
- Enjoy!
To install & play off WBFS Partition on USB Drive or SD card:
- Download Wii Backup Manager -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=188295
- Use Wii Backup Manager to add .wbfs file to your partition.
- Enjoy!
To install & play off FAT32/NTFS Partition on USB Drive or SD card:
- Download and install Configurable USB Loader -> https://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=147638
- Create a WBFS folder in the root of your FAT32/NTFS Partition.
- Copy the torrent download into the WBFS folder
- Use Configurable USB Loader to play
- Enjoy!
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