Plot. Amid a nightmarish new reality where an unseen malevolent force purges the global population, the single mother, Malorie, and her two children, embark on a life threatening quest to find the last protected haven on Earth. However, in this dangerous quest, one's eyesight is the real enemy--and as the defenceless blindfolded protector summons up the courage to follow a faint shred of hope hidden deep in a refuge down the river--darkness may be the only thing that can save them. Now, the rules of survival have changed. Will Malorie and her kids live to see another day?
Stars. =>-Sandra Bullock : Malorie. =>-Trevante Rhodes : Tom. =>-ohn Malkovich : Douglas. =>-Sarah Paulson : Jessica. =>-Jacki Weaver : Cheryl.
Director. =>-Susanne Bier.
Info =>-Genre : Horror : Mystery : Sci-Fi. =>-Languages : English : Russian. =>-Chapters : N\A. =>-Release Dates : 2018. =>-File Size .: 6.55 GiB. =>-Overall bit rate : 7 577 kbps. =>-Movie Runtime : 2h 04min.
Video. =>-Codec : H.264/MPEG-4 AVC. =>-Aspect Ratio : 2.40:1. =>-Resolution : 1 920 x 800. =>-Bit rate : 6 666 kbps.
Audio 1 English. =>-Codec : mp4a: MPEG-4 AAC LC. =>-Channels : 2 channel. =>-Bit Rate : 128 kbps. =>-Bit rate mode : Constant.
Audio 2 English. =>-Codec : Digital Audio Compression AC-3. =>-Channels : 6 channels L R C LFE Ls Rs. =>-Bit Rate : 640 kbps. =>-Bit rate mode : Constant.
Audio 3 Russian. =>-Codec : mp4a: MPEG-4 AAC LC. =>-Channels : 2 channel. =>-Bit Rate : 128 kbps. =>-Bit rate mode : Constant.
Subtitles - Softsubbed : SubRip : XML. =>-English. =>-Russian