2009-12-06 02:19:14 GMT
8.93 MiB (9361718 Bytes)

the PDA cracking division of


                       p r e s e n t s                          
                   Star Paint v1.1 *CRACKED*                        
  Cracked by....:  tam               Release-Name..:  CR-YXV01.ZIP    
  Supplied......:  COREPDA           Release-Date..:  2009/12/06      
 Packaged......:  Bergelmir         Release-Type..:  Game            
 Protection....:  DRM               OS............:  iPhoneOS       
 Crack/SN......:  Patch             Language......:  English        
Rating........:  [You decide!]     Disks.........:  02             
Each level in Star Paint is dynamically created, offering a new       
puzzle each time you play. Stars will appear on the screen, with      
lines connecting each one. Move the stars until none of the lines     
are crossing to clear the level. Sound easy? Watch your time,         
because if you take too long, it's game over. To help, use            
multiple fingers to grab and move different stars at the same         
time. Make it through normal and medium modes and you'll unlock       
Hard mode - turning off the timer, and opening up some really         
devious puzzles.                                                      
GAME FEATURES:                                                        
- OpenFeint supported for high scores and over 20 different           
- True multitouch interface designed exclusively for the iPhone       
  and iPod touch                                                      
- Dynamic puzzle creation for limitless gameplay                      
- Multiple difficulty levels offer a wide range of challenges         
- Unlock the constellation mini game to draw constellations with      
  the stars                                                           
             ..:INSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES:..               
Double click the .IPA file and then synchronize your iPhone with     
                      ..: IMPORTANT NOTE :..                         
  Start CORE10k.EXE to verify that this release comes really from    
   CORE. If the CRC check fails or CORE10k.EXE is missing you're     
 holding a fake/third party modified crack/release in your hands!    

Report a non-working crack to our e-mail: [email protected]
Thank you for choosing a quality COREPDA release!

This is a cracked product of COREPDA  - the official PDA release     
               section of CORE for PDA utils/games.                  
                   .:COREPDA NEWS AND INFOS:.                   
  While CORE became more and more successful over      
   the years CORE decided to open sub-divisions like       
 COREUTiL or COREPDA! COREPDA will focus on releases     
     for PocketPC and PalmOS PDAs. You will get pure        
       CORE quality as usual. Have fun with this          
            fine release from our PDA division!              
         Original Cracker Members of CORE are in no way       
           affiled with COREPDA! Every division has its      
                   own members and crackers!                    
    COREPDA is a non profit organisation! We're here for the fun!   
              / ___    ___/ ___/ _____/ ____/  __/                   
         / TEAM   _/  _/___   / ___//  /                  
          _______/_/ _/ _____/ /_____/__/[tOM]              
          ...: SUPPORTS COREPDA :...             
                ..:CORE'S MAIN DISTRiBUTiON:..               
     Site's name        Status     Speed    Storage    SiteOp      
                     - not listed any longer -                    
               COREPDA's respects & hello's fly out:               
              to all PDA fans out there in the world!              
               lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s]              
                 nfO UPdATED ON [2001/12/08]               
                 (c) C.O.R.E.P.D.A.            

CRC 82A1:00E1

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。