2009-07-24 00:23:16 GMT
Harry.Potter.and.the.Order.of. harry potter harry potter 2007 order phoenix CaLLioPE_MoNTEDiaZ CaLLioPE.MoNTEDiaZ CaLLioPE MoNTEDiaZ calliope_montediaz calliope.montediaz calliope montediaz

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)

CAST Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Melling, Jason Boyd, Richard Macklin, Kathryn Hunter, Miles Jupp, Fiona Shaw, Richard Griffiths, Jessica Hyne, Adrian Rawlins, Geraldine Somerville, Robert Pattinson, Ralph Fiennes, Natalia Tena, Brendan Gleeson

PLOT With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts.

As another year begins for Harry, at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry so does the never-ending articles stating that he and Dumbledore are insane. As the ministry starts to invent new and malicious lies about Harry's account on Voldemort's return, Hogwarts begins to change for the worse as the ministry sends in their cure for all the insanity, Professor Dolores Jane Umbridge. As she begins to inflict her rules and regulations on the students at Hogwarts they begin to find that with her as their teacher, they'll never be ready for the outside world. So Harry along with his friends decides to take things into their own hands and begin to learn magic the real way. As Harry starts having visions of terrible events happening with the Ministries very walls he decides to take action, leading himself and his friends into battle, ultimately teaching them what friendship, loyalty and sacrifice really means.

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TPB LINK: http://thepiratebay10.xyz/torrent/5018976

SCREENSHOTS FROM THIS RIP AND FROM HARRY POTTER BOXSET (FIVE YEARS)-CaLLioPE_MoNTEDiaZ http://www.imageresim.com/images/or6lcabqq1smerbinmv4.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/tooscdcaim2po3lwrm2.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/6tzo9q9qbi37amy85gdp.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/rzmyv9q3osyitmbjrpef.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/nwneaxd40lyxwrlgwqd2.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/76ioejcf9j1jms9z03x.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/dp7f79b47cctdximyc7.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/211wihot8gjjnjp26hm.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/6caxeng4mt66ozjhy2cs.png http://www.imageresim.com/images/bxnimygo0zdyimoiqs0b.png

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数据来自Pirate Bay。