Crime : HD 1080p / 1080i : English This is meant for playback on PS3 Tested on Sony Playstation 3 (Firmware 2.80) with a large screen HDTV
This file will play on a
##-CPU-## With PowerDvD,VLC Media Player, ##-MAC-## using roxio toast video player 3.0 ##-X-Box-360-## releases do work if you're running windows 7 and streaming on the network through windows media center. ##-popcornhour-##
This file is kept under 4 gigs for easy storage (Dang FAT32!) Hi quality 2-pass H.264 standard encoding Codec..........: H.264 Resolution.....: 1920x1080
Audio..........: AC3 Dolby Digital 5.1CH Surround (640Kb) Subtitles......: None Extension......: M2TS In this unforgettable debut film from Quentin Tarantino, a group of perfect strangers have been assembled to pull off the perfect heist. Meticulously planned, nothing can go wrong. But it turns into a bloody ambush when one of them turns out to be a police informer. As the group begins to question each other's guilt, the simmering tensions threaten to explode the situation before the police have a chance to step in. Boldly blending graphic violence with comedic references to popular culture, RESERVOIR DOGS ushered in an often-mimicked style of filmmaking in the 1990s.