The Hangover 2009 CAM XVID-PrisM
Plot:A Las Vegas-set comedy centered around three groomsmen who lose their about-to-be-wed buddy during their drunken misadventures, then must retrace their steps in order to find him.
Source:TheHangOverCAMTHS...DIAMOND Apreciated
Video: Codec:::::::::::XVID Image Size::::::600x338 Aspect Ratio::::1:1 Frame Rate::::::29,970FPS Frame Count:::::169743 Total Duaration:01:34:23.763
Audio: Codec:::::::::::MP3 channels::::::::Stereo Bitrate:::::::::128KBS VAR Bitrate:::::NO Total Duration::01:34:23.764
Notes: well 1st thanks goes to diamond for this one nice work bro ok source was not bad imho needed bit of work here and their had black bars was interlaced a bit,colors were lacked, sharpness was lacked a little...couple other things but easily sorted....
Work Done: where do i start...well firstly i cropped the black bars off, then i changed the AR looked a bit squashed first time :lol: so re-editted it,then went onto the colours used 3 different colour filters to bring it out best i could... changed the contrast and the strength of that,added a bit of sharpness few more things aswell
Extra Note:Land Of The Lost CAM should be next
ShoutOutZ: PbIgMoOn,Lynks,RaBiD,SPiRE,fear,loui3,stg,JamBo,BDK,BHF4A,ORC,THS,FLAWL3SS,steve20 thestash,moose86,spin,melvinmeow,adam,thekin2,TheGrim,THS,doggett,diamond NNC,spin,delta9,whitenerdy,layer,thecartell,loved,diamond,silentininja,megagun and many others
Got Anything CAMS...AUDIO...SCREENERS...DVD'S...SILVERS...CONTACT ME! [email protected]
enjoy the movie