Moebius 3 (Epic) - The Airtight Garage [CBR]
2009-05-27 21:28:56 GMT
Moebius Epic Major Grubert Sc-fi Fantasy Surrealism Graphic novel

Moebius (Epic series vol 3) - The Airtight Garage [CBR]

Quoting the editor (Jean-Marc Lofficier):


Myths are not born, they are made. A lot of craft, and often much time, goes into their creation. Tolkien spent years refining The Lord of the Rings and even The Airtight Garage took Moebius four years to complete. The preparation of this new American edition enabled us, however, to present what is a uniquely original, and hopefully definitive, version of this classic story, one that is not even available in France. Those familiar with previous incarnations of The Airtight Garage will immediately notice that the entire story is now in color. Coloring his black-and-white work had been on Moebius’s agenda for yars. lt took, however, the occasion of this new collection to convince him that the time had come. So, with the heip of a few assistants, working under his direct supervision, Moebius completely colored every page, in the process, giving us an almost entirely new perspective on the material. In addition to the coloring, the story itself was completely retranslated, again under Moebius’s careful supervision, so that we could fix some internal inconsistencies that had cropped up during its making and that, to this day, still plague the original French version. Needless to say we were also able to reinstate some elements of continuity that had been lost in earlier American translations. Which brings us to the matter of the lettering of the title of this story as it appears inside this book. Because the lettering is such an intrinsic part of the original art, and also because the word «hermetic» has a double meaning (both “airtight” and esoteric”) which we wanted to preserve, we have chosen to retain »The Garage Hermetic of Lewis Camelian» as the inside title. Although, of course, this book will remain known forever under its more popular title of «The Airtight Garage.» lt is all a Bakalite trick."


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