Need for Speed Underground 2 [Cider Port]+ GAMEFIX[MAC-GAME-ENG]
2009-03-21 22:18:40 GMT
1.25 GiB (1340843594 Bytes)

Need for Speed Underground 2 [Cider Port]+[Tntvillage.Scambioetico]

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Visit this link: that this second chapter of Underground offers are many: from the Free Ride mode ‡, ‡ we allow to roam in a city plunged in ‡ perpetual night, where we can find new challenges with cars as ever more powerful ˘ and workshops, autoconcessionari, shop graphics, special pieces and more. So let's go see what this Underground 2 puu offer!

General Map This time we will have therefore the possibility of wandering ‡ allíinterno City ‡ at will, without goals set by adding a large dose of freedom to the stereotype ‡ game but, without doubt, a good dose of work in pi ˘: ‡ happen sometimes having to go through the whole town ‡ (huge) to participate in a tender, which could in the long run become a boring game. After pressing the button to activate the map, we can see on the different shops unblocked by other cars to challenge the new mode and ‡ Outrun races available. ‡ sar can also choose to disable the viewing of a particular type of racing / shops (for example, turning off the vision of the workshops, they do not comparirYears on the map). Warning: disabling any type of general map, it will not be visible on radar ‡ while driving. This could lead to an error by the player who, not seeing líicona of a race / shop on the radar, might think that this is a bonus hidden (in mass allíinterno of the game). An easy addition to NFSU2 is in doubt senzíombra GPS (Global Positioning System), one of the best inventions of recent years. Like with ‡ reality, even in NFSU2 GPS ‡ enable us to find the best way to reach a particular event or shop, in a city that otherwise would be ‡, ‡ vastit for, almost impossible to be stored perfectly. The GPS is installed as standard in any car going to choose in the game, to activate it, just go to the general map and select líapposito key with a particular event or store. In doing so, will activate the GPS as a directional arrow that will guide us towards the road ‡ ˘ pi short to reach a certain goal. Warning: The GPS signal is sometimes not available sar ‡, for example if we were closer to uníaltra changed or the car showroom of uníofficina, a dealer, and so forth.

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SMS (Short Message System)

In NFSU2 receive news directly over ciù concerns líandamento of the game via SMS and phone calls, sponsored by X-Cingular. Unread messages in the box available sarYears incoming messages to our SMS device. These sarYears of four different types:

  • Tips: To receive suggestions and recommendations on how to perform certain actions in the game, you find allíinterno ‡ ‡ City of Bayview Icon purple. Passing over in the box simultaneously receive incoming messages with an SMS game tips, tricks special positions of special shops and so on, in addition to $ 25.
  • Special events: messages from Rachel (virtual counterpart of the beautiful Brooke Burke, testimonial of NFSU2) ‡ notify us when our car sar ‡ chosen for the cover of a DVD or a magazine. This type also includes text messages announcing new parts unlocked.
  • Rachel: This category refers to new cars available in certain dealerships ‡ allíinterno the city of Bayview.
  • Parts unlocked ever from Rachel, SMS information concerning new special parts that we can install on our car, such as new engines, neon, pearly paint, and so forth.

Bank Reward

This is real money that we can find scattered allíinterno City ‡: 50, 100, 200 and $ 400 the amount that we can find, of course, proceed pi ˘ ‡ allíinterno the city and more money you can find.


After winning a series of races in ‡ Career mode, you will be contacted by a number of sponsors who offrirYears contract. The first time you can choose from four different sponsors, the second time in three, the third time only two and líultima, you have to sign only one sponsor. Each time you sign for a sponsor, you líobbligo to win certain races set in the contract. You'll have to always win at least three races chosen by the sponsor (the URL races, the Underground novit ‡ 2) and a number of other races of your choice. Here's how many races you'll have to deal with the first sponsor to allíultimo:

  1. URL races 3, 9 to choose the player 2nd URL 5 races, 19 chosen by the player 3rd 7 URL races, 29 to the player's choice 4th 9 URL races, 34 chosen by the player

Each time you sign a contract with a sponsor, you can switch from a dealer díautomobili to withdraw uníauto you regaler ‡ sponsor: líauto that you can pick up at your choice, ‡ will be transferred directly into your garage. In addition, we receive a certain sum of money after signing the contract with the sponsor, and pay extra for each race won those chosen by the sponsor. The various sums of money to sponsor cambierYears sponsors, but there will ‡ a world of difference between the various sponsors, offers sarYears for pi ˘ similar. What we recommend is to look at races that you should address, not the cash: choose the type of races where there is more iron ˘ ‡ prove ideal choice to win without problems all the races and not having to run into that humiliating defeat farYears we lose respect and money.


The garage ‡ comprender all your vehicles, uníofficina with Dyno Test-Drive, and ‡ allow you to check the statistics of the game and the races of the sponsors made available, to develop the car with the spare parts included in the garage or bring your car in its initial state. ‡ An interesting possibility for those who do not want to wander allíinfinito to find the hidden races or to go to a race which is miles away is to use the general map of the garage. In doing so we can select all the events available and accessible by simply pressing the button to activate (just as in Need for Speed: Underground). Of course, in doing so to avoid wasting time in useless search for hidden races, but surely lose the possibility of finding ‡ allíinterno map and bonus money, very often, are right at the hidden races.

Le Gare

The types of races this Underground 2 are different, some times from the first Underground, others are specially designed for the second chapter.

  • Circuit: Brief description: Race on the circuit for a set number of turns Traffic: Active Nitro Active Shortcuts: Active Number of laps: Two, three or four Opponents: three (visible) Extras: None General strategy: The stereotype of race pi ˘ common, including in all types of car games. To win you must first avoid the traffic, in derapare curve and try to take every possible shortcut.
  • Sprint: Brief description: Race ‡ speed at a point A to point B Traffic: Active Nitro Active Shortcuts: Active Opponents: three (visible) Extras: None General strategy: The same as for the race circuit. Avoid traffic and then derapare in curves and try to take all the shortcuts possible sar ‡ mortgage on a good victory in the race.
  • Drag: Brief description: Race ‡ speed at a point A to point B on a straight circuit, with líobbligo to use the manual and the view at first hand. Traffic: Active Nitro Active Shortcuts: Not active Opponents: Two or three (visible) Extra: an introduction to the movie mode Drag ‡ General strategy: Type ‡ gi race first seen in the Underground. This is a race of pure speed and acceleration ‡. We will have to accelerate and change gears manually when the speedometer show a ‡ symbol is green, what is the proper relationship between running speed and ‡ for maximum power entering the next gear. Use the nitro just after the departure authority may be useful to detach the opposition now, but unfortunately makes it more difficult ˘ changing gears seamlessly, immediately use this only in part to detach their opponents and once close to ‡ maximum speed of the vehicle. Be very careful with the machines that you put verrYears and obstacles placed in the middle of the straight.
  • Drift: Brief description: Short race, during which we will have to collect the highest score possible derapando all the way. No matter if you arrive in the lead ahead of all opponents, just the final score. Traffic Off Nitro: Off Shortcuts: Not active Opponents: Two or three (visible) Extra: Movie mode for the introduction ‡ Drift General strategy: To win you must collect such as the best score possible. To do ciù, you must take into account three main factors: ‡ speed, angle and length. The odometer will show the speed ‡ ‡ and a sort of protractor ‡ líangolazione that show that the machine ‡ take every time you press the button on the handbrake. We recommend to stay behind all the opponents have more room for mediation and use them as a shield for their derapate, because if we were unfortunately hit a wall while making a derapata we lose all the points and we will be back to his opponents that, as by magic, not ever a wrong shot.
  • Street X: Short description: New type of race that we vedr ‡ engaged in mini-circuit structure is rather special. SarYears present fact that curves close richiederYears ‡ a special ability given the presence of three opponents who continually darYears pressure and an awkward one for our car. Traffic Off Nitro: Off Shortcuts: Not active Opponents: Two or three (visible) Extras: None General strategy: key factor for victory in this type of race will líabilit ‡ ‡ player nellíeffettuare curves do something. If you do not bend your Ë ‡ specialties, the Street X darYears quite an awkward one.
  • URL (Underground Racing League): Short description: New type of race included in this chapter. This is a kind of race tracks in the professional circuit. Races are sponsored, so accessible after signing a contract with a sponsor. Traffic Off Nitro Active Shortcuts: Not active Number of laps: Three, four or five Opponents: Five (visible) Extras: None General strategy: cie no particular strategy for this type of race, which differs from the circuit mode ‡ líambientazione only in a professional circuit. We suggest, therefore, good angular curves and enter the same speed in ‡ to have enough power to pull their opponents.
  • Downhill Drift: Brief description: Variant of the classic Drift, or derapare on a hill on a busy road. Achieve the best score is always líobiettivo primary. Traffic: Active Nitro: Off Shortcuts: Not active Enemies: Three (not visible) Extra: Movie mode for the introduction ‡ Downhill Drift General strategy: greater difficulties ‡ nellíeseguire derapate. ‡ must be careful not only to the walls, but also traffic to avoid losing valuable points.
  • Outrun: Brief description: The mode pi ‡ ˘ interesting new included in Underground 2. These are real race speed ‡ engaged by the player: in Free Ride mode ‡ o Carriera, once encountered a car and having followed (closer), you will receive a challenge from the driver dellíaltra car. Vince líaltro who posts at least three hundred meters. Traffic: Active Nitro Active Shortcuts: Active Enemies: One (visible) Extra: win a series of Outrun is riceverYears Unique special pieces for your car General strategy: different strategies for this game mode ‡. The concrete is pi ˘ nellíeseguire, while we are in first place with a moderate benefit, a 180 ∞ to reverse the route of the march without giving time to our opponent to overtake. By doing this you should get to meet and pass without giving it finally time to be able to turn and chase before she posted it.
  • SUV: Brief description: All the above races, with líeccezione you will have to drive a SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle). To find out where this type of race simply view the general map. Traffic: Depends on the type of tender Nitro: It depends on the type of tender Shortcuts: Depends on the type of tender Opponents: It depends on the type of tender Extras: None General strategy: It depends on the type of tender
  • Race Magazine: Brief description: Identical in every type Sprint; líunica difference in having to travel the distance from a point A to point B in a preset time. Traffic: Active Nitro Active Shortcuts: Given that the road is free choice of the player, can not be considered real shortcuts even those, if any. Opponents: None Extras: Bonus (cover of a newspaper sum + cash) General strategy: The same strategy of the Sprint race, with the exception of having to pull a tablet sullíacceleratore to arrive in time to the finish line.

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  • Specifications -

Size: 1,25gb Language: ENG Requisiti di Sistema: Mac Intel

  • Note -

24h/24h fino a 20 completati 90-100kbb]


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