BRAZIL - 1985
IMDb Rating: 8.0
Terry Gilliam's brilliant, colorfully retro vision of the future has little in common with the styling of Orwell's "1984," but deep inside the message is the nearly the same. The only real difference is that, unlike Orwell, Gilliam believes that the one fragile hope is the durability of the human imagination. Sam Lowry(Jonathan Pryce) is our hero, an unambitious bureaucrat within the ranks of the Ministry of Information. The only place he is willing to be more than a drone is in his dreams where he is some sort of angelic knight fighting to save his dream girl. While running an errand for work, Sam comes face to face with a woman who is the very image of that dream girl, and his life is forever changed when he surrenders his tranquil unambitious life in the attempt to pursue the woman.
Starring: Jonathan Pryce, Kim Greist, Robert De Niro, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm, Bob Hoskins, Michael Palin.
Directed by: Terry Gilliam.
Quality: Very Good Xvid from DVD.
Length: 2hr. 17min.
Language: English.
Size: 688 x 400