IMDb Rating: 8.7
Won 2 Academy Awards.
Kevin Spacey stars as the club-footed con man who recounts the saga of enigmatic Hungarian mobster Keyser Söze. Spacey's in a band of thieves that includes Gabriel Byrne, Stephen Baldwin, Kevin Pollak, and Benicio Del Toro, all gathered in a plot to steal a large shipment of cocaine. The story is told in flashback as a twisted plot being described by Spacey's character to an investigating detective (Chazz Palmintieri), and The Usual Suspects is enjoyable for the way it keeps the viewer guessing right up to its surprise ending.
Starring: Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne, Stephen Baldwin, Benicio Del Toro, Kevin Pollak, Chazz Palmintieri.
Directed by: Bryan Singer.
Quality: Very Good Xvid from DVD.
Length: 1hr. 46min.
Language: English.
Size: 720 x 336