Khosrow-Pour M. Human Resources Management Set 2012
2021-01-18 11:48:10 GMT
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Volume I. Fundamental Concepts and Theories. The War for Talent: Identifying Competences in IT Professionals through Semantics. East and West, Past and Present: Rekindle Old Principles for New Management Practices. The Influence of Information Technology on Organizational Behavior: Study of Identity Challenges in Virtual Teams. Quality Assurance through Innovation Policy: The Pedagogical Implications on Engineering Education. An Exploratory Cross-National Study of Information Sharing and Human Resource Information Systems. IT Human Resources: Experts at Talent Management and Critical Partners to the CIO. Strategic Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance. Knowledge Worker Profile: A Framework to Clarify Expectations. Knowledge Strategy: Its Mitigating Effects on the Organization. Assigning People as Number One Priority: Engaging With Disadvantaged Communities in Healthcare Research. Human Resource Development and Technology Integration. Development and Design Methodologies. HRM Adaptation to Knowledge Management Initiatives: Three Mexican Cases. An Integrated Methodology to Detect the Evolution of Virtual Organizational Communities. A Statistical Analysis of Priority Factors for Local e-Government in a Developing Country: Case Study of Yogyakarta Local Government, Indonesia. The Competency-Based Human Resource Management Model. The Financial Related Analysis on Sales Management and Human Resources by Means of BI Type Solutions. Recruitment and Retention of Healthcare Professionals for the Changing Demographics, Culture, and Access in Canada. Integration of Predated Notifications of Personal Actions for HR-Planning in ERP-Systems. Human Resource Related Problems in Agile and Traditional Software Project Process Models. Personnel Performance Appraisal Coverage in ITIL, COBIT and CMMi: A Study from the Perspective of People-CMM. Investigating Temporal Structure Usage in Individual Time Management Practices: Two In-Depth Field Interviews. Tools and Technologies. Team Dynamics in Virtual Spaces: Challenges for Workforce Training, Human Resource Development, and Adult Development. Evaluation of Corporate Structure Based on Social Network Analysis. Social Media: Opportunities and Challenges for Human Resource Management. Sources of Legitimacy for the M-Government Initiatives in Turkey: Human vs. Technical Resource Management Concerns. Promoting Digital Competences through Social Software: A Case Study at the Rovira i Virgili University. Scientific Computing in the Context of a Successful Agricultural Research Enterprise. Introducing a First Step towards a Holistic Talent Management System Architecture. Lotus Workforce Management: Streamlining Human Resource Management. Applicability Assessment of Semantic Web Technologies in Human Resources Domain. Human Talent Forecasting using Data Mining Classification Techniques. An Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and the Partial Least Squares (PLS) Methodology. Volume II. Utilization and Application. Budding Researchers in the Humanities: An Intercultural Online Project. An Ontological Business Process Modeling Approach for Public Administration: The Case of Human Resource Management. Developments of e-Govemment in Sri Lanka: Opportunities and Challenges. A Systematic Review of Distributed Software Development Problems and Solutions. Making Room for E-Government through Succession Planning. Assessing Adequacy of Leisure and Recreation Facilities in KFUPM Campus: A Futuristic Need-Gap Perspective. Promoting Success in the Introduction of Health Information Systems. Work Practices to Curb Attrition in the Indian Hi-Tech Software Development Industry: A Structurational Analysis. Outsourcing in Knowledge-Based Service Firms. Investment in Transaction-Specific Assets and Opportunistic Behavior in a Chinese Supply Chain. Organizational and Social Implications. Transnational Learning and Collaboration in Delivering MBA Programs in Emerging Markets: The Challenge of National Culture. Using Action Research to Assess Student Performance in Traditional vs. E-Leaming Formats. 21st Century Learning Opportunities for SME Success: Maximizing Technology' Tools and Lifelong Learning for Innovation and Impact. Cross-Cultural Learning and Intercultural Competence. Understanding Shared Services: An Exploration of the IS Literature. Employees’ Perceptions on Organisational Justice, Job Control and Job Demands: Do Ownership and Human Resource Management Practices Matter? Communicating in Multicultural Firms: Boundary Creation, Fragmentation and the Social Use of ICT. The Human Factor in Quality: Examining the ISO 9000 and Business Excellence Frameworks in Selected Greek Oiganizations. Assessment of Web 2.0 Applications Employed by Human Resource Departments in U.S. Cities. Managerial Impact. Managing Professions for Knowledge Management. Managing and Motivating: Pragmatic Solutions to the Brain Drain. Creating the Environment for High Performing Distributed Teams: Human Resource Strategies and Practices. Effective Virtual Project Management Using Multiple E-Leadership Styles. Analysis of Gender Equality in Higher Management Levels: A Study Model. Listening and Leadership. Strategic and Organizational Considerations Related to an E-Leaming Model: A Case of Study. Talent Management: A New Perspective in Human Resource Management. Research and Output Management in Digital Era: Emerging Challenges at UB. Recruiting, Selecting and Motivating Human Resources: Methodological Analysis and Case Studies Applications. Human Capital Management and Optimization: A Resource-Based View. Volume III. Critical Issues. Issues Influencing Electronic Commerce Activities of SMEs: A Study of the Turkish Automotive Supplier Industry. People, Technology and Human Resource Development (HRD) Philosophy. Knowledge Worker Faire Compensation: Ethical Issues and Social Dilemmas. The Relationship between the Fulfillment of the IT Professional’s Psychological Contract and their Organizational Citizenship and Innovative Work Behaviors. Ethics and Learning Organizations in the New Economy. The Importance of Psychological Contracts in Human Resource Management within the New Global Economy. Understanding How Incentives Influence Motivation and Retention of Health Workers. An Empirical Test of the Information Processing Theory. Analysis of Job Responsibilities of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Human Resource Professionals. Understanding Organizational Culture and Group Dynamics: Refraining the Normative Orientation of the Role of Information Professionals within Organizations. “We Don’t Have the Key to the Executive Washroom”: Women’s Perceptions and Experiences of Promotion in Academia. Emerging Trends. Innovations in Technology for Educational Marketing: Stakeholder Perceptions and Implications for Examinations System in Rwanda. Toward Understanding Ethical Decision Making: A Redefined Measure of Intent to Act Ethically. Toward a Unifying Framework for Defining Internal Human Resource Flexibility: A Proposal Based on the Resource-Based View Approach. Re-Theonzing Human Resource Management and Human Resource Management in Context. Key Capabilities, Components, and Evolutionary Trends in Corporate E-Learning Systems. Expanding the Boundaries of Healthcare Human Resources Planning. Hu Resources Replaces Human Resources in Health Care. Emergent Dynamics of Workforce Program Reductions: A Hybrid Multi-Level Analysis. Trends in IT Human Resources and its Determinants. Anonymous Workblogging and Organizational Coping Strategies

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