Windows XP 32 in 1 Multiboot Spring 2012
2020-09-23 08:25:02 GMT
3.17 GiB (3407221489 Bytes)

Been a while, boys and girls. I'm still kicking around. Thought I would seed this again for shits and giggles. For more detailed information (of a previous version) go here>

Software versions and such won't be the same, but you'll get the point.

Installation instructions

  1. Burn XPA_PowerPack.ISO to a blank DVDROM disk at 4X speed.

  2. Make sure all your data is backed up.

  3. Reboot and hit F1 F2 or delete to enter setup, some PCs may require you hit a different key, but these 3 are most common.

  4. Under boot options, boot order or boot priority depending on your system, and on some older systems it will be under IDE devices, drive priority, set the CDROM as the first boot device.

  5. Save and exit with the XPA_PowerPack DVDROM in your optical drive. If the disk menu will not come up, or you get errors during setup, you may have one of the following issues, listed with solutions: a) bad media (try a different disk) b) bad drive (try a different drive) c) corrupt disk (try reburning at 4X) d) corrupt ISO (redownload) e) bad drive cable (replace) f) incorrect BIOS boot settings (correct) g) bad memory (replace) h) bad motherboard or drive controller (replace)

6)When prompted, choose your build. Attended versions include all updates and can be used for repair installs and recovery console. Advanced installs all include updates, driver packs and OEM preactivation for OEM builds. Advanced Standard also include 3rd party applications. Advanced Ultra adds tweaks and removed components for speed and ease of use. Scroll down for more detailed information.

  1. When prompted, select an empty partition to install to. You may need to delete your partition, especially if it has a previous Windows installation on it, and then select the unallocated space to install Windows to.

  2. Format with NTFS (quick)

  3. If you PC is a brand name OEM system, it may preactivate with an OEM Advanced build. If you get stuck at a black screen saying to hit a key to continue, it didn't activate and you will need to activate it later. Media Center and Tablet Builds will require an appropriate key to install properly. If prompted for a key for these versions, enter the license key on your matching license sticker. You may choose not to enter a key during setup, but MCE and Tablet will not install, but rather will become XP Pro. To avoid this, you may enter the following keys, which will ensure proper installation, but will not activate.


  1. Answer all prompts. Expect to get stuck at 23 minutes and again at first login. This is normal. Leave it alone.

  2. After complete, if you still need to activate, do so.

  3. To check activation: Click start, run and type "oobe/msoobe /a" and hit enter.

  4. Right click my computer, select properties, then hardware tab and select device manager. Any unknown devices or devices with yellow or red symbols still need drivers. You will have to get these drivers yourself

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