GENERAL INFO Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writer: Christopher Markus (screenplay by), Stephen McFeely (screenplay by) Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Paul Rudd, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Holland Plot: Each member of a middle class Taipei family seeks to reconcile past and present relationships within their daily lives.
MEDIAINFO Container = MKV (mkv) Duration = 3h 1min Filesize = 2.34 GiB
ViDEO Codec info = High Efficiency Video Coding | Format Range@L4@Main Resolution = 1 920x808 Display AR = 2.40:1 Bitrate = 1 737 kb/s Framerate = 23.976 Color space = YUV Chroma subsampling = 4:2:0
AUDiO Codec info = AC-3 Channels = Bitrate = 112 kb/s Samplerate = 48.0 kHz Language = English
SUBTiTLE Format = Ass Language = English