1920 X 800 res (approx @ 4600k video bitrate (approx) 384k Dolby AC3 6ch audio Audio track is in French/Arabic with some English and Hebrew - forced French subs are harcoded while other subtitles in the folder are included for all parts. Subs included are for English Italian Portuguese Romanian and Spanish - Subs found on the net for Arabic Farsi Hebrew and Greek were unusable as they weren't stored by the sites in unicode format and were therefore unreadable.
This is a movie made by French Canadians (Telefilm Canada Quebec production) that features as the main actress a woman who clearly is French but has some semblance of features you'd find to some extent in an Arab woman from mideastern areas too potentially I'd say.
The intent I believe is to bring to the attention of the world, the plight of Arab women in particular 9like herself) - even as an aid worker - a Doctor in fact, being treated with incredulity by Israeli forces when human rights concerns are raised. In one such scene a soldier points a gun in response to her appeals for a humanly valid response to a situation requiring it without hesitation or question as her own conscience would dictate that she require compliance from the occupying force in Palestine to conform to humane ideals as she demands in the situation - only to be told to "shut up" and be threatened with an assault rifle "at ready' and aimed at her person by an Israeli male soldier (as scripted in this movie of course). Time to end the nightmare over there. Inshallah means "god willing" as the title is meant to infer with hope clearly, no doubt.
Thanks for seeding Michael Rizzo Chessman (moviesbyrizzo uploads)