We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists (2012) Documentary 7
2019-10-12 01:31:10 GMT
We Are Legion The Story of the Hacktivists (2012) Documentary 720p MP4 Conspiracy Truth Wake up Sheeple New World Order END HUMAN ENSLAVEMENT Turn off your teLIEvision

We Are Legion - The Story of the Hacktivists (2012) Documentary 720p.mp4 - 1h 36min 41s 1280 x 720


"We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists" is a documentary that takes us inside the world of Anonymous, the radical "hacktivist" collective that has redefined civil disobedience for the digital age. The film explores the historical roots of early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater and then follows Anonymous from 4chan to a full-blown movement with a global reach, one of the most transformative of our time. Please enjoy, share, and wake up (rise up).

The Corrupt Fear Us, The Honest Support Us, The Heroic Join Us!!!! You can get rid of one of us but there will ALWAYS be another to take their place, it's like Whack A Mole.. We Are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. 4chan /pol/ 8chan we own the interwebz!!! White Pride Worldwide!! ;) We are everywhere more and more are waking up to the system of corruption and lies false history everyday, the days of the United States and Israeli Jewish Evil Empires are NUMBERED. We outnumber them by far, we surround them they are done for.. JUST STOP COMPLYING.. STOP OBEYING STOP BEING A IMMORAL ORDER FOLLOWER, REFUSE YOUR ILLEGAL IMMORAL ORDERS!! NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAHELL AND THE SATANIC JEWS, LEAVE SYRIA AND IRAN ALONE, FREE PALESTINE!!!! STOP PAYING TAXES, THERE IS NO LAW REQUIRING YOU TO PAY AN INCOME TAX IT IS COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY, TAXATION IS THEFT, EXTORTION, MAFIA TACTICS AND STRONG-ARMING, IT IS TIME WE THE PEOPLE TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST THESE BASTARDS, STORM THE CASTLE AND LYNCH THE BASTARDS FOR ILLEGAL IMMORAL WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND TREASON TO THE PEOPLE, DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER!!!! Turn OFF your teLIEvision Mind Control Device, THINK FOR YOURSELF LOOK IN THE MIRROR REALIZE YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL, EMBRACE YOUR WARRIOR SPIRIT BECOME A TRUTH WARRIOR, DEMAND CHANGE AND DEMAND ANSWERS THIS FUCKING SYSTEM DOES NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU OR YOUR FAMILY THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT BLOODSHED ANYWHERE, YOUR GOVERNMENT IS THE TERRORIST.. Government in Latin means Mind Control, ReLIEgion means to hold back the mind and our potential, Jesus Christ NEVER existed he is NOT coming back to save you, YOU MUST SAVE YOURSELF WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! We can have Heaven on Earth NOW we have Free Energy Tesla Technology and Cars that can run on WATER, we CAN CURE Cancer!! Research Gerson Therapy Cancer Cure, Research Vitamin B17 Research The Burzynski Cancer Cure and also Research Rick Simpson Oil Cancer Cure.. THERE IS HOPE FOLKS, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DIE EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD DESERVES TO KNOW THIS KNOWLEDGE THAT IS BEING KEPT FROM US SWEPT UNDER THE RUG AND SUPPRESSED, IT IS TIME WE SPEAK OUR TRUTH TO POWER USE YOUR VOICE SPEAK YOUR MIND, STOP GOING ALONG TO GET ALONG.. The time for WORLDWIDE REVOLUTION/INSURRECTION/INSURGENCY AND GOVERNMENT OVERTHROW IS NOW!!!! The media, the banks, the false education system the medical system THESE ARE OUR ENEMIES!!!!

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Screens: https://extraimage.net/images/2019/10/11/c20e04ef40014bde25314efde7eefb4d.gif

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。