At the story's heart is Caesar (Andy Serkis), a chimpanzee who gains human-like intelligence and emotions from an experimental drug. Raised like a child by the drug's creator, Will Rodman (James Franco) and a primatologist Caroline Aranha (Freida Pinto), Caesar ultimately finds himself taken from the humans he loves and imprisoned in an ape sanctuary in San Bruno. Seeking justice for his fellow inmates, Caesar gives the fellow apes the same drug that he inherited. He then assembles a simian army and escapes the sanctuary - putting man and ape on a collision course that could change the planet forever.
Size : 1.48 GB
Running Time: 1h 45min
Genre: Action | Drama | Sci-Fi
Director: Rupert Wyatt
Language: English
Release Date: 5 August 2011 (USA)
=== Video ===
Video Format......: AAC Video Codec.......: x264 Frame Rate........: 23.000 fps Width.............: 1 920 Pixels Height............: 816
=== Audio ===
Format..........: AAC Bitrate.........: 320 Kbps Channels........: 6 channels
[img]https://anonimag.es/i/aKiomH41d191.gif[/img] [/center]