A group of Pathfinders accompanied by a former military man travels to the mythical Skull Island, where his brother disappeared while looking for the serum that would have the power to cure all diseases known as Titan. The man, in addition to rescuing the brother, will have to face the creatures that inhabit the place and, together with the team of explorers, venture into the depths of the unknown island in the Pacific. What they do not know is that the place is as beautiful as it is treacherous and they are crossing into the domain of the mythical Kong.
Title in Brazil: Kong: The Island of the Skull Original Title: Kong: Skull Island
Release Year (BR): 2017 IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3731562/
Video Codec: MPEG-2 Audio Codec: AC3 5.1 Audio Language: Portuguese / English Caption: Portuguese Video Quality: DVD-R (CUSTOM) File Extension: .ISO Resolution: 720 x 480