Twenty years after an alien invasion nearly decimated all of humanity, they returned in search of revenge in this incredible and explosive sequence of Independence Day! Using part of the technology recovered from the first alien invasion, led by brilliant scientist David Levinston (Jeff Goldblum is back on paper), Earth nations have developed an advanced program for protecting the planet. But nothing could predict the size and strength of this new threat and now only a few brave people with limited resources will try to save our world from extinction. Also starring Liam Hemsworth, Jesse T. Usher and Bill Pullman, Independence Day is back in an even more action-packed thriller from start to finish!
Title in Brazil: Independence Day The Resurgence Original Title: Independence Day Resurgence
Release Year (BR): 2016 IMDB:
Video Codec: MPEG-2 Audio Codec: AC3 5.1 Audio Language: Portuguese / English Caption: Portuguese / English Video Quality: DVD-R (Official) File Extension: .ISO Resolution: 720 x 480