Terry (Jason Statham), a man with a suspicious past, is facing a unique opportunity in his life: he is invited by the beautiful Martine (Saffron Burrows) to be the leader in a robbery without errors, clues or traces. The target are personal coffers of a large bank, replete with millions in cash and jewelry. But what Terry and his team do not know is that these coffers also hold great secrets, which could wrap them up in a perilous network of corruption and scandals involving senior government, mafia and even royal families. The truth about crime has never been revealed ... until now.
Title in Brazil: Domino Effect Original Title: The Bank Job
Release Year (BR): 2008 IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0200465/
Video Codec: x264 Audio Codec: AC3 5.1 / AC3 5.1 Audio Language: Portuguese / English Caption: Portuguese Video Quality: BluRay File Extension: MKV Resolution: 1280 x 544