Title: The Tiger: An Old Hunter's Tale Original Title: Daeho
Description: While the Kingdom of Korea is under occupation by the Japanese, an old and experienced hunter is challenged by the hunt of the last tiger.
Year: 2015
Director: Hoon-jung Park
Writers: Hoon-jung Park
Stars: Min-sik Choi, Man-sik Jeong, Hong-pa Kim, Sang-ho Kim, Eun-woo Lee, Ren Ohsugi, Mi-ran Ra, Hyun Seung-min, Yoo-Bin Sung, Jung Suk Won
Genres: Action, Adventure, History, Thriller
Language: Korean
RELEASE.....................: The.Tiger.An.Old.Hunter's.Tale.2015.1080p.BluRay.x264.VPPV
VIDEO.......................: 3000
CODEC.......................: x264
RUNTIME.....................: 139 min
RESOLUTION..................: 1920x804
FRAME RATE..................: 23.976 fps
AUDIO.......................: 5.1 Channel / AC3 / 384kbps
FILE SIZE / FORMAT..........: 3.31 GiB / MKV
SOURCE......................: BluRay
Warning!!! Images may contain spoilers!!!
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