Synopsis: In a city inhabited by anthropomorphic animals who have abandoned traditional predator/prey roles in favor of civilized coexistence, uptight rabbit police officer Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin) is forced to work with charismatic fox con artist Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman) to crack a major case involving the mysterious disappearance of some carnivorous citizens. But when a few of the missing critters reappear, having reverted to pre-enlightenment savagery, it exposes existing anti-carnivore prejudice among the city's herbivores that threatens to damage the fabric of their diverse metropolis.
General Specifications:
Container.....:MP4 File Size.....:1,80 GB Duration......:1h 48min Bitrate.......:2374 kbps
Video Specifications:
Codec.........:x264 FrameRate.....:23.976fps Bitrate.......:2042 kbps Width.........:1920 Height........:808 AR............:2.40:1
Audio Specifications:
Codec.........:Nero AAC Bitrate.......:329 kbps Bitrate Mode..:Variable (q=0.4) Channels......:6 Ch Language......:English
Subtitles(english): Included in a sub-folder (.srt)