-=Ninja OS=- 64-bit version
¡OFFICIAL RELEASE - Version 0.11.2!
Ninja OS, is a Live Operating System based on GNU, Linux, Arch, X11, and XFCE4.
Homepage: https://ninjaos.org
GPG Key:
D5E7 6841 665A 4408 D73C 2D87 96FD 6113 A1F8 331E
Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/u/ninjaos
Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ninjaos/?source=directory
- Media Tools(GIMP Audacity/PiTiVi/sox/more...)
- Privacy Tools(TOR/I2P/MAT/KeePass/etc.. + wrappers and helpers)
- NetSec Tools(Metasploit/Wireshark/nmap/aircrack/dsniff/scapy/tcpdump/etc/much much more)
- Crypto(GPG+ front end+ helpers/zulucrypt)
- Net Clients(Firefox,gFTP,clawsmail,pidgin,hexchat,irssi,transmission,PuTTY,etc...)
- Self Destruct/Zeroize
- Clone and Forge, the sneakernet distribution framework
- touch screen support.
- Well Documented, Shortcuts and optimal settings preconfigured. Designed for speed.
- Much more. General purpose desktop.
¡OFFICIAL RELEASE - Version 0.11.2!
Whats new in 0.11.2:
- updates to clone and forge
- GPG and hash sum checking now includes the index file and the install scripts
- Further ninjaforge overhaul, ninjamake.sh be been depreciated and dropped from the install. This reflects ninjaforge.sh upstream. bundled is the sole dep of liveos_lib.sh.
liveos_boilerplate.sh is now liveos_lib.sh
I2P overhaul. Ninja OS finally has seamless I2P integration.
- foxyproxy has been updated in firefox to automaticly route .onion and .i2p addresses with no manual intervention. The green fox will still route all data over tor, but this is no longer neccary for darknet addresses. This will prevent accidental leaks by clicking on links.
- Plugins botes mail, neodatis, and and seedless are installed by default. These are packaged as plugins managed by the system.(available in AUR)
- Java 8. we are now unified around Java 8. All java packages compile against java 8 moving forward.
Beginning of signed packages for [ninjaos]. So far only a handful of packages are signed, but moving forward, all packages will be signed in the future.
kernel 4.4.8
Cleaned up documentation.
first 64 bit port. w00t!
New versions in [ninjaos], removed some cruft with broken deps. w3af is gone wifite is gone for being too skiddy-ish. pacman -Sl ninjaos for more info.
¡OFFICIAL RELEASE - Version 0.11.2!