POSTAL: 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition [Windows/Mac/Linux]
2016-03-03 04:54:10 GMT
6.78 GiB (7278692414 Bytes)

This is a POSTAL's 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition (2007) repack

Slightly better than boxed syphilis!

02/03/016 - UPDATE: Replaced file "", because it had a virus

Games included:

  • Postal: Classic and Uncut 1.05 (2002)
  • Postal² 1409.3 (2002)

Official addons/expansions:

  • Postal²: Share The Pain 1409.1 (2003)
  • Postal²: Apocalypse Weekend 1411 (2004)

Fanmade addons/expansions:

  • Postal²: A Week in Paradise 1.03 (2007)
  • Postal²: Eternal Damnation 6.02 (2006)
  • Postal²: A Very Postal Christmas 1420.1 (2007)

Extras: -Music to Go Postal by -Interviews with the RWS Staff -Image galleries -Comics based on the franchise -Miscellaneous art -Posters -Exclusive footages -Unboxing video -Covers -Fanmade mods -Demos -SMS tunes

2007 Collector's Ed. is POSTAL Series latest and most complete boxed software release. Postal Fudge Pack (2006) lacked the AvPC fanmade expansion and some extras.

The first game on the list is a re-release of Postal Plus (2001), which was a bundle of Postal (1997) and its only official expansion, Special Delivery (1998). This repacked version also includes the levels from Super Postal (2000), an unofficial expansion which was put on the japanese market without the awareness of Running With Scissors.

A Week in Paradise addon allows you to play Postal² with the new Apocalypse Weekend features, such as new levels, dismemberment, and appropiate weapons for exploiting that possiblity.

A Very Postal Christmas expansion pack is a christmas-themed game, featuring a large new snowy town to explore.

The Eternal Damnation expansion pack provides an entirely different, much darker storyline, also ambiented in a different town, starring a tormented psychiatric hospital patient as the protagonist.

Minimum system requirements:

Windows: 95 with DirectX 7 for Postal, 98 with DirectX 8 for Postal²

Linux: Kernel 2.2 or later, Glibc 2.1.x or later

Macintosh: 8.1 for Postal, Jaguar 10.2.8 for Postal²

Minimum hardware requirements:

For Postal: 16 MB RAM, Graphics Card, 90 MHz Processor

For Postal²: 128 MB RAM, 32 MB Video, 733 MHz Pentium 3 or equivalent

For P² addons/expansions: 384 MB RAM, 64 MB Video, 1.3 GHz Pentium 3 or equivalent

Please note that technically speaking this is not a repack of the 10th Anniversary Edition, because Postal files were taken from the Desura release, and Postal² along with StP and AW are from the Steam's 'classic' release branch (because those digital versions are the latest ones from the pre-steam overhaul era), so repacked games might not work on extremely old systems... If that is the case, you can install the outdated ones from the Collector's Ed. MDF image (which has been included for preservation purposes).

The 'Extras' folder only contains GoG stuff, 'Music to Go Postal by' FLACs, P² mods and cover images. If you want the 10th Anniversary extras (except for new multiplayer maps, which are already bundled with repacked StP), you'll have to check the Collector's Ed. MDF image

If you like these games, please support RWS and buy the updated and overhauled Steam release! It has more entertaining stuff, plus an improved and more stable AWP.

P.S.: repacked games, unlike original Collector's Ed. MDF image installers, should work out of the box on modern Mac and Linux systems!

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。