Title: Irrational Man Released: 2015 Genre: Drama, Detective Directed by: Woody Allen Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone, Jamie Blackley, Parker Posey, Joe Stapleton, Nancy Carroll, Allison Gallerani, Brigitte Lundy-Paine, Kathleen Semer, Betsy Aydem
About the film: Professor of Philosophy Abe Lucas devastated: he sees in his life no joy, no sense. In the summer Abe comes to teach at a small college, where he tied relationships with two very different women. Rita, his new colleague, imagines that he rescued her from the unhappy marriage. And Jill, his best student, he becomes a close friend. But the girls irresistibly attracted restless creative nature Abe and his mysterious past, and it is increasingly moving away from her boyfriend, Roy ... All I could not help overhearing the conversation Abe and Jill, followed by Abe, shaking off indifference and despair, decides to act