Description-For-Linux-Ubuntu-Full-Install-Package: retroshare06_0.6.0-0.8551-precise_i386.deb
RetroShare 0.6.0 RC2 revision 8551 is a free C++,QT compiled cross-platform Windows,Linux,Arm,Mac private p2p sharing program that uses F2F public/private encrypted keys. It lets you share files, msgs, chats, channel content and forums securely with your friends, using a web-of-trust to authenticate peers and OpenSSL TLSv1.2 to encrypt all communication. RetroShare provides fast anonymous file sharing, chat, messages and channels. RS 06 Release Candidate 2 development is nearing a public release on this major upgrade of the RetroShare 0.5.5 platform. RetroShare 0.6.0 will not be compatible with the older RS 05 application but carries over many of the same functions, tools and adds several more.
Retroshare 0.6.0 is a Free,Secure,Encrypted Social Decentralized Network with many features and offers both Darknet and Tor connections as user options. Retroshare's Fast Anonymous File Sharing is Unparalleled with any other P2P and F2F networks. Come and Join the Fun, You'll Love it.
Sha1sum value and Retroshare package filename 3330cfe43b799b7b0292d14bd372865c1780606a retroshare06_0.6.0-0.8551~precise_i386.deb