The Hobbit The Desolation Of Smaug 2013 EXTENDED 720p FLiCKSiCK
2014-12-06 02:07:12 GMT
The Hobbit The Desolation Of Smaug 2013 BluRay 720p x264 AC3 DD5.1 FLiCKSiCK

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The movie is compatible with XBOX360/PS3(except cinavia)/Apple/whatever. On PC i suggest using MediaPlayerClassic-HC***. VLC plays any kind of file you throw at it, but you'll get more decoding artifacts. For the best quality in VLC with HD material: preferences/show--settings:all/video/filters/disable all filters, especially post-processing filter.

***in MPC-HC options be sure to select atleast Enhanced Video Renderer or Video Mixing renderer 9. --in options/playback/output/DirectShow Video

FLiCKSiCK releases have the goal to keep a good balance between video and audio quality at the smallest file size possible. There are already other teams delivering such deal, but to me they stress too much the filesize at the cost of quality, especially audio quality, so there we go. Enjoy.

INCOMING RELEASES: pastebin_com/aKuA9H9F

.::Release infos::.

Title........: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (EXTENDED) Genre........: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy Rating.......: 66/100 Metacritic Runtime......: 3h 6mn Released.....: Nov 04, 2014 Imdb.........: tt1170358

Director.....: Peter Jackson Writer.......: P. Jackson, F. Walsh, P. Boyens, Guillermo del Toro, J.R.R. Tolkien Music........: Howard Shore Photography..: Andrew Lesnie

Starring: Dean O'Gorman, Elijah Wood, Graham McTavish, Ian McKellen, James Nesbitt, Ken Stott, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Stephen Hunter, William Kircher

Synopsis: Return to Middle Earth where the dwarves, along with Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey, continue their quest to reclaim Erebor, their homeland, from Smaug.

.::Technical infos::.

Source.......: BluRay Container....: MKV File Size....: 3.99 GiB Ov Bitrate...: 3 063 Kbps

Audio lang...: English SubTitles....: English Sample.......: Included

Video........: x264 1280x532 - AR 2.40:1 - 23.976 fps - 2 618 Kbps Audio 1......: AC3|6ch Dolby Digital 5.1................. 384 Kbps - 48.0KHz

Audio 2......: AAC|2ch Dolby Pro Logic II Surround....... 128 Kbps - 48.0KHz Note.........: the 2ch audio track is external

thx to.......: HDA


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