Black September - Into the Darkness Into the Void (2012)
2014-11-23 10:06:21 GMT
61.16 MiB (64131514 Bytes)


  1. Into The Darkness
  2. Solitude
  3. Rabid Hunger
  4. Cursed
  5. Invocation
  6. Beyond The Realms
  7. Defiance
  8. Unhallowed Ground
  9. No Return

Quote: Forged in the bowels of Chicago, IL, BLACK SEPTEMBER arose from the depths in 2006 with their demo Contortion. Inspired by bands such as Bolt Thrower, His Hero Is Gone, Dissection and Bathory, they decided to form a band that was both heavy and aggressive, but more importantly, original. Although unrefined, the demo laid the path for the albums soon to come.

Band founders and mainstays, guitarist C.M. and classically trained vocalist J.M., and various lineups have released four EPs to date, including a split with Louisiana’s Thou. “The Forbidden Gates Beyond,” the band’s debut full-length, originally self-released in 2010, shows BLACK SEPTEMBER firing on all evil cylinders with a steady lineup and ready to unleash their madness upon the unsuspecting masses! The band has previously shared the stage with the likes of Unearthly Trance, Skeletonwitch, Javelina, Masakari, and Magrudergrind, among others, and will hit the road extensively this year.

Throughout the past five years, BLACK SEPTEMBER’s songs have become more varied than ever, incorporating the roots of death metal but showing an openness towards different styles like black metal and doom. This release welds J.M.’s looming vocals with crushing guitars and pummeling drums to generate an album teeming with musical prowess. Just the right mix of blackened touches, epic riffs, and a crushing production from Andy Nelson at Bricktop Studios make “The Forbidden Gates Beyond” their greatest work yet.

Quote: So Lambgoat tells me that Prosthetic Records’ latest sign is a band from Chicago, Black September. And trying to be a dutiful blogger, I’m listening this band for the first time now, and while their brand of black metal is nothing you haven’t heard before, it’s also pretty good stuff — nice riffage, appropriately vitriolic vocals, some songwriting chops… I could imagine this band being really fun live, too.

All of that being said, I really, really wish this band didn’t have the same moniker as the Palestinian terrorist group that kidnapped and murdered eleven Israeli athletes in addition to a West German police officer at the ’72 Munich Summer Olympics.

Let me clear — I am not accusing Black September (the band) of being in favor of killing Israelis. I have no knowledge of the political leanings of Black September (the band). For all I know they summer in Nahariya.

I am saying that they showed poor judgment in picking their band name, though, the same way Lemmy shows poor judgment by collecting an endless amount of Nazi paraphenilia, and Slayer shows poor judgment by calling their fanclub the Wehrmacht, and so on and so forth.

I know that there are people who are gonna say I’m being overly sensitive to this particular issue because I’m Jewish, but… I always find that argument kinda ridiculous. Would it be a-okay for me to start a metal band called The Ku Klux Klan? Hey, man, I don’t hate black people, I just think that alliteration sounds awesome!

Or how about a band called Westboro County Church? Or Gulag? Fuck it, let’s just start a group called al-Qaeda.

You see what I’m getting at.

Anyways, feel free to weigh in with your thoughts below. Prosthetic will re-release Black September’s 2010 album, The Forbidden Gates Beyond, on June 7.

Genre: Black Subgenre: Death / Blackened Death Bitrate: 192 k Size: 61.16 MB Show/Hide Files: 10 files

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