Deft Linux v8.2
2014-08-15 06:41:23 GMT
deft linux digital forensics

DEFT (acronym for Digital Evidence & Forensics Toolkit) is a distribution made for Computer Forensics, with the purpose of running live on systems without tampering or corrupting devices (hard disks, pendrives, etc…) connected to the PC where the boot process takes place.

The DEFT system is based on GNU Linux, it can run live (via DVDROM or USB pendrive), installed or run as a Virtual Appliance on VMware or Virtualbox. DEFT employs LXDE as desktop environment and WINE for executing Windows tools under Linux. It features a comfortable mount manager for device management.

DEFT is paired with DART (acronym for Digital Advanced Response Toolkit), a Forensics System which can be run on Windows and contains the best tools for Forensics and Incident Response. DART features a GUI with logging and integrity check for the instruments here contained.

Besides all this, the DEFT staff is devoted to implementing and developing applications which are released to Law Enforcement Officers, such as Autopsy 3 for Linux.

DEFT is currently employed in several places and by several people such as:

Government Officers
Law Enforcement
Expert Witnesses
IT Auditors

DEFT is 100% made in Italy and it’s a project managed and maintained by the no-profit DEFT Association, also known as DEFTA, whose president is currently Stefano Fratepietro.

DEFT 8.2 is the latest release of DEFT 8. What has been fixed?

Fixed a bug that in some conditions prevented the system to be installed; Fixed the bug of DNS on /etc/resolv.conf; Fixed the bug of the apt-get sources.list; Improved device recognition in live-mode; Updated all packages to the latest Ubuntu release available for Quantal.

Files included in this torrent: Deft Linux v8.2 iso md5 for iso file Deft Linux v7 user manual (English; most recent version) Deft Linux v8.2 root password

All except the iso file are RAR archived, no password protection

WARNING: My upload is SLOW but I will seed (more or less continuously) until the next version of Deft is released

Gomagnet 2023.
数据来自Pirate Bay。