RELEASE NAME ..... Parted Magic 2014 04 28 PXE
SUPPLIER ......... Fat Rat Bastard
RELEASE DATE ..... 9 May 2014
FORMAT ........... TGZ
SIZE ............. 431MB
MD5 HASH ......... 46E39DBBC9CF8F38F0AED3FF064DB9CD
URL ..............
Parted Magic 2014 04 28
Parted Magic is a Linux distribution aimed at disk partitioning and duplication, file system manipulation, and data recovery and destruction. To that end it includes several open source tools such as parted, gparted, partclone, clonezilla, ddrescue, and secure delete, among others.
Patrick Verner has decided to take this project commercial without any provision for non-profit or student discounts. $50 per year is almost twice what some commercial products go for. While it is true that Parted Magic offers more functionality, it is all via the work of others and without support, while the commercial offerings come with support.
In order to insure access to this excellent product for low-income individuals and non-profits, I am dedicating myself to purchasing this software and insuring it is available to these users. In this spirit, please, if you can afford this software, then purchase it.