FluxPup 1.5.1-non-pae
released 15-Apr-2014
by oldyeller
more info at
Hello Everyone,
This is of course the non-pae version of FluxPup 1.5.1 it is 185mb kernel is 3.2.48-nopae-i486-f2fs-aufs-smp-isa-precise. You can get it here
along with the devx.
I did not put in "Get libreOffice in this build. I have three version you can get by using SFS-Downloader through the Builder.
My wife did all the backgrounds for Fluxpup
There is no desk icons.
The SFS_Builder_Downloader is a program to download everything that I have in fluxpup repo so one can build adrv, zdrv and sfs. Read the help to know what you can do.
When building the adrv and the zdrv make sure you name them right...adrv_fluxpup_1.5.1 - zdrv_fluxpup_1.5.1 When booting-up the zdrv will load without a notice, The adrv will show up during booting.