2014-04-08 11:36:10 GMT
Puppy_Linux Vincent Van Pup 3992 artists art workshop Upup Raring digital artwork

Vincent Van Pup 3992

Released 20 Oct 2013

by starhawk

more info at:


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MD5SUM: 6f2f8b52630e0ac6556422b1af363735

Size: 635 MEG

Introducing a new Puplet for artists! VINCENT VAN PUP. Vinnie (for short) is rather a bit pudgy -- perhaps I should've named it Jabba The Pup -- ah, but there's nothing Star-Wars-y about it the bulge comes from the NASA-esque kitchen-sink approach I took to including things. If it was practical, or could be useful, for an artist -- it was included. Of note, Vinnie is based off of Upup Raring 3992 Non-PAE. It'll run on basically anything -- including Poulsbo hardware! (Well, OK, I wouldn't want to run it on a Pentium 3 system with 128meg RAM -- see the Bare-Minimum and Recommended-Minimum System Specs below...)

Included in this Puplet are a whole pile of applications for creating digital artwork. Wine is in there, which means that if you want to add Adobe's Creative Suite or Photoshop or CorelDRAW or whatever, you're able to do that, right out of the box. I've also stuffed in The GIMP, in case Photoshop's outside your budget and Xara Xtreme should substitute adequately for CorelDRAW, for those who like vector illustrations (SVG type stuff, anyone?). There's also MyPaint, which appears to be a very powerful application for digital painting -- I'm pretty sure that, given the right drivers and such, you could use it with (for example) a Wacom Tablet, and do some VERY nifty things. It can also be used with a mouse, of course... these are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg; Vinnie's got a TON of stuff!

Please download Vinnie and let me know how you like him (and how useful he is)!

Please also let me know, of course, if you find bugs, or would like to request additional features.

KNOWN BUGS -- (!) The 2barks sound effect goes off twice at firstboot. This is sort of purposeful (I made it so that it would go off once at every boot). (!) GNU Paint shows up twice in the "Graphics" portion of the Puppy Menu. (!) MyPaint shows up twice in the "Graphics" portion of the Puppy Menu. (?) I did not test LightZone, to see if it worked. It's the only thing I didn't check!

BARE-MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS -- I put this together on my ASUS 1000HEB netbook. I'm going to say you don't want something much slower than that, so... 1.5 GHz Pentium M CPU (Celerons need not apply) 1.0 Gig RAM 1024x768 resolution (1024x600 netbook resolution works OKish if you've got good eyesight )

RECOMMENDED-MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS -- 1.6 GHz single-core CPU (such as an Intel Atom N270) 2.0 Gig RAM 1280x800 resolution

BASE ISO -- Upup Raring 3992 (NON PAE) -- raring- (sc0ttman's Woofy 0.91 was used to create this Puplet.)

APPLICATIONS REMOVED -- Abiword Get-LibreOffice Gnumeric mtPaint version 3.44.18 (for upgrade purposes)

For once I left Seamonkey in there. I still say it's uglier than poorly groomed chimpanzee hindquarters... but it's functional in a pinch.

APPLICATIONS ADDED -- AutoAdjustPhoto GUI (image adjustment) Ease (presentation software) Extra Fonts DotPet (for LibreOffice) GIMP 2.8.4 (the GNU Image Manipulation Program) Google Chrome 26 (browser) [latest ver I could find as DotPet] GNU Paint (aka GPaint -- WinXP MSPaint clone) HPLIP Lite (for printing) Java JRE (version 1.7u15) LibreCAD (2D Computer Aided Design) [.deb] LibreOffice 4.1.2 LightLooks 9x Gold JWM Theme (from puppy.b0x.me) LightZone (Digital Darkroom) [.deb] Mozilla Thunderbird 17.0.8 (email client) mtPaint version 3.44.28 (slightly newer than the originally-included version) MyPaint (very powerful digital painting application) Tango Iconset (from puppy.b0x.me) Wine 1.6 (Wine Is Not an Emulator ) XaraLX Xara Xtreme 0.7r1785 (vector graphics & illustration, with some bitmap support, from the Puppy Wikka)

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.