Welcome to L.A.S.S.I.E., Version 002 !
Released 02 Apr 2014
by RSH
Size: Lassie-Precise-002-NO-PAE.iso 218 MB Size: Lassie-Precise-002-PAE.iso 204 MB
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L.A.S.S.I.E. 002 is a Multi-Language Puppy-Linux Derivative and it is either based on Precise 5.7.1 (PAE Version) or based on Precise 5.7.1 retro (Non PAE Version). It is build by RSH by using the LazY Puppy ISO Builder and it was released at 2nd of April 2014.
L.A.S.S.I.E. 002 is useable out of the box for these Languages:
L.A.S.S.I.E. 002 is booting directly into language EN. Quicksetup and Welcome1stBoot are disabled by default. You can easily execute them by the menu (lite modification, but you'll find it quickly in Menu Welcome).
After switching L.A.S.S.I.E. 002 to the your language settings and restarting X, a small GUI appears, that gives option to remaster (the SFS only) the OS, so it will boot after this straight into your language (the language you have switched to). If you don't want to remaster the SFS only, just close the window.
But, please, note:
- either switch the language and do the remaster immediately
- or switch the language and just checking out / testing the OS
Do NOT, repeating: do NOT switch the language, testing the OS and remastering after using the OS!
If you've done a remaster, the new SFS will be presented in a ROX filer window. Just copy it to the L.A.S.S.I.E. boot directory (overwrite the existing one, but don't wipe the ISO!)
Special Features (new in L.A.S.S.I.E. 002):
VarioMenu-Groups and Desktops
Each Desktop/VM-Group now has its own wallpaper
Desktops and VarioMenu-Groups can be switched by keyboard shortcuts
- Strg 1 switches to Desktop 1, Alt 1 switches to VM-Group 1 (e.g.)
Added Option to the Right-click Menu of the Drive Icons to Power Off the Computer
- it will first unload all loaded SFS Modules
- after this all mounted ISO, SFS and 2fs, 3fs, 4fs Files in /mnt will be unmounted
- then the Drives do unmount
- then the Shutdown-GUI appears on the Screen
Changed behavior when clicking a PET file
- a GUI appears when a PET is clicked the 1st time in a session
- it offers option to choose either to build a SFS Module automatically
- or to install the PET package as usual
- if 'build a SFS Modue' is chosen, it will be used as default during the session
- though, one can still install PET packages by right-clicking it
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