Released 04-Apr-2014
by EmSee
info at:
Here is the update Puppy-Linux-EmSee-1st-Edition.iso
Size 3.19 G
A most comprehensive master of all trades jack of none remaster with upgrades imports and compiled from source progs/libs
Check it out! Full Audio workstation, XBMC media centre, Office and DTP, Data recovery, Games, Wine 1.7.6 , QQ2013 messenger in chinese, skype, ultra reliable/persistent additional ramdisk and ramdisksave created in /mnt/home
K3d Image Magick Samba XBMC 12.3 wine-1.7.12 linux-3.13.2 for full install
A few important bug fixes/improvements which prevented burning software from functioning correctly due to duplicates in the system.