Released 01 Apr 2014
by Tman
more at
Hi all,
This is JX_Slacko. In its current state, it is basically vanilla Slacko 5.7 with Xfce4panel. No apps from the original have been removed (yet). Please test it out and provide feedback and bug reports. I would consider this beta quality, as there are some minor issues with the Xfce panel that I still need to work out, but it is still very usable. Thank You to 01micko and everyone else who had a hand in the creation of Slacko 5.7
The "JX" just stands for Jwm + Xfce4panel. This is a temporary name. I have a hard time trying to figure out names for my pups. Any suggestions for this one would be appreciated.
EDIT: version 0.2 is now available, more info to come...
Download Link: jxs_5.7v0.2.iso size:160MB md5sum: be18b49eed47fd48bc721cc5dc7b0f5c jxs_5.7v0.2.iso