Title: Annie Hall
Released: 1977 Length: 01:32:57 Size: 964MB Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Plot: Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) vividly portrays romantic relations with girlfriend Annie Hall (Diane Keaton) in this 1970's comic love story. Two New Yorkers at heart try to make it living on the West Coast. Although Alvy and Annie have strong feelings for each other both are apprehensive about marriage and fear a long term commitment.
Starring: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts, Carol Kane, Christopher Walken.
Video Codec: MPEG 4 Format: .mp4 Bitrate: 1256 kbps Resolution: 720x540 Aspect: 4:3 Frame Rate: 29.976 frames/sec.
Audio Codec: MPEG 2/4 Audio Bitrate: 189 kbps Channels: 2 (stereo) Sample: 48 kHz Volume: 100%
Rollins-Joffe Productions