LxPup14.03 : a Puppy with LXDE as its desktop environment
released 10-Mar-2014
from/more info at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=89270
Based on Puppy Slacko 5.7
LxPup14.03-s-pae with pae kernel 3.10.32 (select this one if you have more than 4G of RAM)
LxPup14.03-s-nopae with no pae kernel 3.4.82 (select this one if you have less than 4G of RAM)
LxPup is a version of Puppy Linux using the LXDE desktop environment and is an updated “descendent” of loukitchou’s LxPup13.01. LxPup offers the Openbox window manager, LxPanelX (a fork of LxPanel) panel manager and PCManFM file manager. Optional enhancements to the desktop are available via the Options button on the Change Appearance menu item. There are various "flavours" (currently 4+2 *) of LxPup built as derivatives of official Puppy Linux builds thereby offering different kernels and access to the software repositories of the base Puppy. LxPup combines all the significant advantages of Puppy Linux - small iso size, extensive hardware support, wide range of applications built-in, live cd and frugal installs, friendly supportive user forum etc etc, with the lightweight but modern LXDE desktop environment.
- There are 2 flavours (pae and non-pae) with Slackware14.0 compatibility, 2 Ubuntu Precise flavours + 1 Ubuntu Raring flavour + 1 Debian Wheezy flavour - all <200MB