2014-03-15 00:10:00 GMT
Puppy Linux Lassie

L.A.S.S.I.E. - Version 0.0.1

Released 28-Feb-2014

Lassie is based on Precise 5.7.1 with kernel 3.9.11, created with LazY Puppy ISO Builder 1.0.16 a fork of woofy. this creates a puppy ISO from a clean ISO base

Special Features:

  • Shutdown/Reboot immediately without running 'shutdownconfig' to create a save file

    • can be switched on/off in Shutdown-GUI
  • 10 activated Desktops

    • 8 Desktops are synchronized with the Incredible VarioMenu
      • These Desktops/VarioMenu-Groups are:
      • Administrator, Audio, Favorites, Graphics, Internet, Multimedia, Office and Video
  • Desktops and VarioMenu-Groups can be switched by the VarioMenu-Icon, centered on top of the Screen

    • they can also be switched by the VarioMenu-Group Pager Icon, in SysTray
  • Right-click Functions for the Drive Icons are well improved

    • Function 'Unmount ALL mounted Partitions' will first unload all loaded SFS Modules
    • after this all mounted ISO, SFS and 2fs, 3fs, 4fs Files in /mnt will be unmounted
    • then the Drives do unmount
  • Added Option to the Right-click Menu to execute 'GParted' Partition Manager and 'Grub4Dos' Boot Config Manager

  • L.A.S.S.I.E. knows its boot partition, boot directory, 1st parallel partition and 2nd parallel partition (Boot Partition=sdd1 --> sdd2 --> sdd3)

    • it falls back to boot partition, if no other partition is available at the boot drive

see here for more details: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=92311

Gomagnet 2023.
The data comes from Pirate Bay.