2014-03-14 22:15:03 GMT
Puppy Linux precise 5.7.1 retro slimmy csipesz

precise 5.7.1 retro "Slimmy" by csipesz

Released 14-Mar-2014

from/more at https://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=92607

Hi, people! After the dvd-version I did a CD version with use of 5.7.1 retro precise. This stuff also English/Hungarian. His name: Slimmy(!) Puppy by Csipesz. size of iso: 695,3 Mb; size of sfs: 605,3 Mb. In iso you find yet some drivers, apps and games. prepared and tested on an older, Compack Pentium3 machine(proci 730 Mhz, memo 512 Mb, videocard nVidia geforce 4 mx 440). My experiences: Not really to a machine with strength like this truth this system. (Could be good actually, only at the time of the usage of the internet, weak...) rather on stronger machines - p4, p4 ht, core 2 duo - recommended to be useful... The interested ones may download it from here:

https://www.solidfiles.com/d/a379714b2f/precise-5.7.1-retro-slimmy-2014-march-csipesz.part1.rar https://www.solidfiles.com/d/4b3a058929/precise-5.7.1-retro-slimmy-2014-march-csipesz.part2.rar

If somebody does not need my CD, but need 1-2 nvidia driver to this kernel - no problem, may download these from this place:

nvidia-glx-331.20-k3.2.48.pet( for modern, pci express cards: https://www.solidfiles.com/d/9351394b42/nvidia-glx-331.20-k3.2.48.pet

nvidia-glx-96.43.23-k3.2.48.pet(for geforce 2-4, mx series): https://www.solidfiles.com/d/6c29c0b7dd/nvidia-glx-96.43.23-k3.2.48.pet

A more serious office application did not fit into it already, but well this only a CD...

  • but there are two good office apps here:

https://www.solidfiles.com/d/df1229ef14/LibreOffice_3.3.2-skami_HU.pet https://www.solidfiles.com/d/8b2b9f215e/LibreOffice4.0.3_HU.pet (don't worry, these made for not only hungarians!)

Removed apps: asounder cgtcalc getflash gnome mplayer gwhere jwm original games original opera pmusic ycalc

The detailed list of the applications built in by me: xvkbd-3.1 lxpanel-002 openboxplus-1.6b1 gpicview_0.2.2 guvcview_1.5.3 audacious_3.2.1_2 vlc_2.0.8 avidemux-qt_2.5.4 pupclockset-1.3 pwidgets-2.4.1 bluez_4.98 basic bluetooth support dosbox_0.74-2 portable dos apps in /root/FM/ zynaddsubfx_2.4.0-1.2 wine-1.7.6 portable win apps in /root/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ xvidcap-1.1.7 xdtv-2.4.1cvs13-i486 bleachbit-0.9.6-i486 Dougal-Remaster-HU pStartupShotdownSound-1.4-1 Startmount-0.5.5 openjdk_icedtea_6b24_precise puzzles-r8853-i386 xjigsaw and Digger portable games opera-next_12.16.1860_i386 virtualbox-4.2.12-2

For hungarians only: Kedves esetleges magyar érdeklődők: bár a cucc első ránézetre full angol - nem így van: a CD-n/az op. rendszerben minden támogatást megtalálsz, ha figyelmes vagy, tudsz kb. 50 szót angolul és körülnézel - hogy ez a cucc nagyjából 90%-ban magyar felületűvé átalakítható legyen!

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