Title: Shutter Island
Released: 2010 Length: 02:18:03 Size: 1.25GB Genre: Mystery, Crime, Thriller
Plot: Two U.S. Marshals are sent to Shutter Island located off the coast of New England to investigate the escape of a crimminally insane women who killed her 3 children. Cut off from the mainland by a hurricane, the Marshals Teddy (Leonardo Dicaprio) and Chuck (Mark Ruffalo) are trapped there with severly insane patients and unwilling doctors. The investigation unfolds into a full blown Shutter Island expose' since the ethics of those employed there rivals that of a Nazi occupation.
Starring: Leonardo Dicaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Emily Mortimer, Patricia Clarkston, Max Von Sydow
Video Codec: H.264 Format: .mp4 Resolution: 720x480 Aspect: Original (Widescreen) Total Bitrate: 1173kbps Frame Rate: 23 frames/sec.
Audio Codec: AAC Bitrate: 127kbps Channels: 2 (Stereo) Sample: 48kHz Volume: 100%
Paramount Pictures