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: Pluralsight.com - Installing and Configuring Apache Web Server
Enjoy this release, google WON'T give you tons of links to download it
at pre time, unlike some do...
In this course we will install and configure an Apache web
server from scratch on a linux system. We will learn about
Apache's configuration file and how to configure multiple
virtual sites on a single machine. We'll configure user logins
and access controls to restrict access to parts of the site, and
set up apache to serve a secure http connection using the secure
sockets layer and a self-signed certificate. Finally, we'll see
how to configure the logging and status reporting features of
Apache. The course is intended for web administrators with no
previous experience of Apache. Basic linux command-line
competence is assumed. Students may follow along with all demos
by installing a standard CentOS 6 distribution.
Interested in joining iNK ? We're currently looking to expand.
: Suppliers - Bookware / Training / Apps
: Suppliers - Online Subscription Accounts
: Suppliers - MCT / MCSE Access
: Other - Cracking / Scripting / Coding Skills
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