Four million years ago, they came from Cybertron, a world composed entirely of machinery... a world torn by an age-old war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. These incredibly powerful living robots, capable of converting themselves into land and air vehicles, weapons and other mechanical forms, continue their conflict here on Earth. They are... THE TRANSFORMERS
This torrent is an update of Narev's torrent from 6 months ago. Thanks Narev!
It contains the original Marvel series, #01-80, and IDW's continuation which reunited the creative team of Simon Furman and Andrew Wildman, beginning last year on Free Comic Book Day, and up to last month's #94.
No spin-offs or mini-series are included.
Tomorrow, IDW will release a #0 issue, and #95-100 will then conclude the series.
Please seed and share. --STF