"Even a normal man must struggle to find the balance between human and beast in his soul. How much greater, then, for one such as Oz?" - Master Shantou, in "Oz"
This is my hand-crafted deluxe edition of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Classic 034 - Oz (2012) (digital) (F) (Mr Norrell-Empire)", re-released earlier this month and uploaded here as part of various packs, including the below:
Here, you get an extra 6 pages (at no added expense :P), of which half are variant covers (courtesy of Goonie and Razorbill) and half are actual content (again courtesy of Razorbill), which was created exclusively for the 2002 TPB edition of the "Oz" miniseries, and then apparently overlooked when Dark Horse put together this digital volume. Nothing crucial, mind you - but content is content!