Plot: In the Antarctic, after an expedition with Dr. Davis McClaren, the sled dog trainer Jerry Shepherd has to leave the polar base with his colleagues due to the proximity of a heavy snow storm. He ties his dogs to be rescued after, but the mission is called-off and the dogs are left alone at their own fortune. For six months, Jerry tries to find a sponsor for a rescue mission while his dogs fight for survival.
Genre: Adventure | Drama | Family iMDB Rating: 7,2/10 from 33 145 users Director: Frank Marshall Starring: Paul Walker, Jason Biggs, Bruce Greenwood Release Title: Eight Below 2006 BRRip X264-PLAYNOW Release Date: 15.09.2013 Video…..: X264 CRF 19 Audio…..: English LC-AAC 2 channels 48.0 KHz Resolution: 720×304 Size……: 760MB Subtitles: English Muxed Runtime…: 120 Minutes Source Used: Eight Below 2006 720p BluRay DD5.1 x264-EbP