This torrent includes both c2c and noAds versions of issues #122-129 and both 1440px and 2048px-HD versions of issues #125-129. *Note: You can download both or only choose which version you'd prefer by deselecting the one you don't want when you add the torrent to your client software. If you're adding the torrent via magnet link, you can deselect any undesired file in the list of files once the torrent has begun downloading.
English | CBR | 8 Issues
Fables #122-129 Publisher: Vertigo Publication Date: October 24, 2012 - May 15, 2013
Writer-Creator: Bill Willingham Pencils: Gene Ha (#122-123), Shawn McManus (#124), Mark Buckingham (#125-129) Inks: Gene Ha (#122-123), Shawn McManus (#124), Steve Leialoha (#125-127), and Andrew Vepoy (#126-129) Colors: Art Lyon (#122-123), Shawn McManus (#124), and Lee Loughridge (#125-126) Letters: Todd Klein
With Castle Dark now back in the hands of the Fables, mysteries both young and old begin to challenge the residents of Fabletown. Bigsby and Stinky set off from Fabletown in Rose Red's blood-fueled sports car to track down the two abducted cubs. Unfortunately for Snow White, besides suffering the trauma of having two of her cubs go missing, a long forgotten secret uncovered in Castle Dark threatens to sabotage her and Bigsby's marriage.
Thanks goes to theProletariat for this release.
Fables #1-121 + Cinderella Minis & OGNs: