[HotLegsAndFeet] Denise (Her Kind Of Action! / 04.06.2013)
Many Women Join the military out of noble and / or practical motives. They want to come to the defense of their country, or they aim to learn valuable skills they can then use back in civilian life. In the bizarre roleplay in our featured spotlight today, however, Denise portrays a girl who joins the army so she can see footjob action with lots of troops! Troops like Mugur, who is ready to give her weary feet a massage when she returns from a long march. No sooner does he remove one of her dirty boots then he's sucking on her size 7.5 Hungarian foot through her smelly sock - and then she jacks his dingus with one booted foot, and one in a sock!
Screens: https://xxxhost.me/viewer.php?file=80nfl21wn2rrh80qltvq.jpg