Debut (digital) album of the lo-fi electronic artist.
Jargun is the ambitious debut by the 17 year old musician and self-producer of the same name.
After painstaking development for 5 straight months, Jargun is an ambivalent, bi-polar, questioning result of plain wonder. It's a collage: schizophrenic, doubtful, and resisting to explain itself. It's an anxious, regretful mess of half-confident ideas and leftover mantras finally being able to breath; An extremely lo-fi, bedroom agenda tasked with nothing else but to become self-evident and to leave a footprint for an unknown audience.
It's hesitant and self-conscious, and unable to see itself for what the future may consist of. Presented here is nothing concrete or total of what visions Jargun is trying to conspire; they're merely suggestions. It is only a sample laid by distress, uncertainty, and desperation.
But it doesn't stop here.